After visiting with us you will eventually want to visit a Small group- this is where true fellowship and community begin. People at North Pointe come from all walks of life and are of every age group so there is definitely a place for you to fit in and grow in the Lord.  Use the descriptions below to help find a group you can connect with!  Feel free to try several groups before settling in- we know there is one that will be just right! Most of our adult classes meet in the Halls connecting to the Crossroads Coffee Bar where you can get a cup of coffee or pastry before they begin.

Click Here to download the complete small groups brochure with campus map.

On-Campus Sunday Small Groups
Preschool & Children

Our preschool and children are divided by ages / grades in a manner that allows for age appropriate Bible learning and play.  All workers have had background checks and are screened so that they work well with kids.  These groups are located in a secure area and the kids must be picked up by an authorized person. To help us with this, we ask parents to fill out a registration form with allergy and other information at the first visit.  The preschool and children’s area is accessed via the Noah’s Ark lobby on the east side of the building.

Youth (6th – 12th Grade)

The youth meet in the Family Life Center in the northwest corner of our facility (where the gym is).  The curriculum deals with excellent scripture study along with focused life application.

College/Career Small Group
This fun group is for those from 18-30+ years old. They study through books of the Bible while mining out rich application for their own lives. It has recent High School Graduates, some that are in their careers and others still figuring out what’s next- wherever stage of life you are in, you can grow in the Lord here!

Young Families Small Group
This group is open to anyone who has kids from Preschool to Elementary.  Using a discussion-oriented format,  this group alternates between life issues that young families face and general Bible Study.  This group loves to support and pray for one another in and out of the small group setting. We meet in Life Hall on the second floor of the building.

Median Adult Small Groups

We have 3 Bible Study Groups that are both coed and focused around the needs of those in their 40’s to 70’s. If this is your age group, feel free to try both of them out before deciding which you would like to grow with.
Two meet on the second floor- The Median Class meets in Life Hall and has members in their 40s to 60s. The Capstone Class meets in Faith Hall with members from their 50s to 70s. The Cole class meets on the first floor in the Prayer Room and has members form their 30s to 60s..

Special Friends Small Groups
Special Friends Class is for those who have learning disabilities and desire to learn about the love of God! Students may have one or more challenges. Some of these may be communication and speech difficulties, hearing impairment, reading and comprehension, writing and physical challenges. our lessons are interactive and designed to communicate God’s love in ways our students can understand. They meet on the second floor in Life Hall.

Cornerstone Senior Adult Small Group
This is a coed class with adults ranging from their 60s to 80s. They begin each class with a hymn or two and follow it with a prayer time for each other needs. This group also meets monthly on a Sunday evening for fellowship, bible study and a potluck dinner. They meet on the second floor in Wisdom Hall.

Faith/Joy Class
The Faith and Joy classes which are currently meeting together are a group for ladies who love God and His word. They come together each Sunday to fellowship with one another, to study and understand that the truth of God’s word is relevant as a guide for their lives, and to reach out into the neighborhoods. They meet on the first floor in Foundation Hall.

On-Campus Wednesday Small Groups

The following Groups meet on the 2nd Floor August-May. Kids and Youth Programs also take place at this time.

Senior Adult Bible Study– meets Wednesday Nights at 6pm in the Cornerstone Small Group Room.

Ladies Group– Meeting Wednesday Nights at 6pm on the second floor in Wisdom Hall.

FLIGHT Men’s Group- Join us for Games, Fellowship, Bible Study and more!

Off-Campus Small Groups
For the classes below please call the number before visiting to ensure they are meeting on any given week.

At the home of Michael & Johanna
Sundays @ 3:00PM in Keller
High School Drivers- 30ish
7154 Glen Hills Rd., 76118 – Contact Johanna 817-602-9510

The home of Ryan & Amanda Gilligan.
Mondays @ 6:30PM in Haslet
Couples & Singles– kids participate
12409 Iverson Dr Haslet, TX. Contact Amanda: 817-984-3131

At the home of Bobbie Jackson.
Tuesdays @ 6:30PM in Willow Park
Ladies Group
421 Deer Pond Dr. Willow Park 76087 – Contact Bobbie/: 817-205-2521

At the home of Carol Dvorak
Wednesdays @ 6:30PM in Richland Hills
Couples and Singles – Kid Friendly
7154 Glen Hills Rd., 76118 – Contact Carol: 817-301-5996