North Pointe Hosts Party for Hurst Hills Families The NPBC parking lot was a place of bustling activity on December 9 as the church hosted their annual Night of Hope party for families of Hurst Hills Elementary School. The church
Night of Hope 2020

North Pointe Hosts Party for Hurst Hills Families The NPBC parking lot was a place of bustling activity on December 9 as the church hosted their annual Night of Hope party for families of Hurst Hills Elementary School. The church
In a group gathering challenged time, North Pointe hosted their annual Trunk-or-Treat event with one BIG change–guests drove their cars through a maze in our parking lot. Cars entered in the back by the gym to register for prizes then
We started a new year at KiDs Beach Club at Hurst Hills Elementary School in their gymnasium. The club meets after school to give kids a “Jesus experience” through fun activities and Bible lessons that communicate the gospel and teach