The youth did a different kind of summer event. A little more robust than a D-Now and not quite a time away at camp, the North Pointe students took four days and three nights to enjoy the breath in their lungs, the sun in the sky, and the word of God. With activities such as a Six Flags visit, water fun at Lewisville Lake, they engaged the joy of life. Handing out blessing bags with local non-profit L.I.T., they engaged the heart of love. Nightly, they gathered in a circle to read and hear the Gospel straight from the book, unedited and only interrupted to highlight specific places.
The theme?
Jesus did not come to the Earth to catch people in their sin. He came to find people caught in sin and do the hard work of feeding and freeing them. Some had never heard the full Gospel before, but had only heard of it.
Some had heard of Jesus, but not in so compact a timeframe, to make His ministry seem so real.
Nine students accepted Christ while the eighteen students surrounding them prayed along with them as they surrendered their lives to His lordship.

Youth ministry is an adventure and we are here for it. A special thank you goes to Pastor Ben and his wife for their aid in transportation, as well as their expertise on the park. Also, thank you to Kindra for opening her home and her car seats to get people there and back again. Thank you to Mandy for burning the gas in her tank to get us places safely, and for safely prepping our food so that we could continue to fuel our adventure. A big thank you to Ashley at L.I.T. (Life Illumination Transformation) for advising on what to give to the people without homes in Ft Worth and for taking us to their places with expert advice on how to care robustly for them. And thank you to Jennifer for opening her home and her heart to the girls who stayed with her family overnight.
And finally, thank you, North Pointe family, for robustly funding this project so that many who did not have the means could take part in this week and have a chance to live a life unto the Father.