Saturday Outreach

Our outreach Team gathered and ready!

It all began with preparation… you the church did an incredible job of providing candy for us! Early in the week the Joy Class came up and helped us sort the candy and next part of our men’s Bible Study group put one of each in the 300 bags we were preparing. That Saturday our great team gathered in the Family Life Center, went over the plan, prayed and then were sent to our 5 different locations! At each place we began with several crafts to engage the kids and then moved on to a telling of God’s Story with Candy! The storyteller would tell one Bible Story and then at the end tell the kids to look in their bags to find the candy that went with that story. In all we told 10 stories ending with Jesus our life-giver and also our Life Saver!! The kids really got into the stories and even earned extra candy afterwards by answering questions about the bible stories! At these locations we had about 200 kids hear God’s story and how they can have a relationship with Him through Jesus!

At Arbor Park

Of course on Sunday we had an amazing turnout of hundreds upon hundreds of people! Thank you to everyone who had a trunk, those who grilled and served hotdogs, registered people, helped park cars, ran games or bounce houses and those who kept everywhere stocked with candy… I have never been so proud to be a part of church!!

Trunk or Treat 2019