We started with another incredible morning of Bible School- after which the guys went with Brother Ruben to the location they hope to build a new church and prayed over it and the area. They then walked back the rehabilitation center where we sang and Ben preached to a different group from the day before. The highlight was Scott giving a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness!

Scott giving his testimony.

That evening we had the VBS closing event and many of the kids car back with their parents. The kids recited verses, sang for their parents and were awarded a certificate. Part way through the daily rain started pouring and you should have seen the people scatter!! Things we set up in close quarters in a room of the school and we continued with Ben bringing a salvation message. 30 kids and adults stood up declaring their faith in Jesus Christ!! It is great knowing that this church is therw to follow up with these families! After The parents and kids had dinner together our group went to the house of Hugo and Lizet for hamburgers and hotdogs! It was a beautiful time of fellowship and laughter!

A group reciting scripture.
Dinner at Hugo and Lizet’s

Mexico Mission Trip Friday Update