From Damien:
Day One:
An hour into the drive here, I was stricken with the thought of how beautiful the summer sky is here in Texas. It reminds me of the fluffy white clouded skies in Toy Story.

A moment later, I realized I had left our group’s entire supply of snacks in the youth office in Hurst. There are very few feelings as humbling as that which comes from feeling you have failed someone in their entirety through one minor detail.

I confessed my shortcoming to the group and watched them absorb it and then continue to laugh, play, joke, and move into this weekend as if we weren’t lacking snacks at all. These are some pretty incredible students. Tonight, the speaker spoke about taking our commitment level to God to a level we can qualify as truly sold out-


In the morning, following breakfast and waking, we will concentrate on everyone’s need for love and what comes along with that need. There will be a zipline in the afternoon, a lot of games, and some great opportunities. Cheryl is posting pictures when we get data available onto the NP Facebook page. Please request in to that group if you would like to see some of the photos.

Again, thank you for sending your precious ones with us this weekend. If you have an iphone, I can receive messages through imessage. Coverage is spotty, otherwise and I cannot receive phone calls. Call the camp, if you have any immediate needs. They know how to get ahold of us.

Day Two:

Everyone is doing great! Our first full day was a rousing success. During the morning time, we studied the idea that God IS love and that we have the chance to “abide” after we discover what “abiding” means. We also discussed what has to be abandoned to move into our new home.

During the day our students’ superpowers showed themselves. Some of them are funny. Some of them are exceptionally kind. Some of them have razor sharp minds. And they exercised those strengths while playing in the morning time and then rallying themselves to move throughout the camp, swimming, playing, and ziplining in the afternoon.

Today a group of our students will play in the volleyball tournament.

Everyone is going to get a taste of the conversation of what it takes to actually be set free and what that freedom costs and entails.

Yesterday was Relentless Love.

Today is Relentless Pursuit.

Please pray with us that as God pursues them that they would feel their value in that pursuit. Please also pray tht they would have the courage to pursue Him.

Day Three:

Today was a pretty incredible day,

And I am now quite sleepy.

The day’s quiet time and worhship time were all devoted to the idea of relentless freedom. The lesson tonight was entirely focused on the freedom to choose to do whatever a wicked heart desires or to choose God’s path. At the end of the lesson, students were invited to completely air out anything in their lives holding them back from embracing freedom to live in God’s will.

There were some heroic moments among our students. We have some work to do now, coming home.

The recreation times were an absolute joy today and the free time was an expression of the bods of friendship and the hope of lives lived closely.

Everyone is doing fine. No injuries to speak of. We have a few sunburns here and there, but nothing dramatic.

Tomorrow, our last full day, will be a challenge. Everyone will be tired and patience and every other resource will be in short supply. Please pray that we remain focused enough to do the lessons and time together justice. There are some real breakthroughs happening for our hui of awesome out here. I know you are all missing them.

As a heads up, we will probably return to the Church on Tuesday between 11:30 and noon. I will send one last message before we leave confirming this expectation.

Day 4 

Time is funny. It is subject to our experience within it and yet we are so often mastered by it.

Listen to the students ask what day it is. We came on a Thursday, which is a goofy day to start such an adventure.  It make it feel like our travel day was a Monday, so when I tell them today is Monday, they get a weird vacant expression, like they’ve been stuck in a time warp.

Some say today is day 4. Others say that the first day didn’t count so it’s only day 3. Some say it’s the last day because it’s our final full day. Others object that the last day includes a drive home.

Time changes in this kind of setting. It slows. There has been time to rest, time to talk, time to study, time to play, and time to get bored out of our minds. And in boredom, we’ve found friends and more excitement, more adventure, and one more day.

Today is all about the pursuit. I misspoke two emails ago saying that yesterday was the pursuit. Today is about Relentless pursuit. It’s God’s pursuit of us to set us free. It’s about our pursuit within freedom of His purpose and I suspect ultimately of the people around us with His love.

There is not a person here unaffected by our conversations. Some are holding the effect deeply within themselves. Some have had some very brave conversations with the other adults and me. In 29 short hours, they will be home with you for you to continue that work of pursuing their hearts and drawing those life giving conversations out in your home. We will continue to support the good work you do with your kids by being your team.

So no matter what day today is, Monday, Friday, Thursday, day four, last day, day one part four, we are in this thing all day and it will be a great day!

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