Group learning VBS songs!

We have finished day 2 of VBS and are excited for what Day 3 will bring! Last night we had 76 kids and we are praying for even more tonight! Also, in our new church van we picked up 6 kids as a result of the apartment ministry from last week and several other families came on their own to VBS!

As a part of the week the kids are learning about ongoing efforts in missions in the African country of Mogadishu. Half of the VBS offering will be going to help these efforts to provide clean water to villages without an adequate supply. The other half of the missions offering will go to Operation Back to School here in HEB helping provide backpacks and school supplies to local students in need. Send your kids with lots of change… the heaviest bucket at the end of the week will win. As of Day 2 the girls are leading the boys in the contest!

Continue to pray for this great week… for kids to accept Christ and for us to connect more families to North Pointe!